NORRAG Blog Series: #TheSouthAlsoKnows

Experts from the Global South are vastly under-represented, including in citations in academic articles and in university course syllabi. Moreover, in countries in the Global South – and in international policy debates – locally relevant research and knowledge production is frequently overlooked in favour of evidence produced in high-income countries in the Global North.

#TheSouthAlsoKnows is a NORRAG initiative that aims to contribute to reversing the North-to-South flow of expertise and decision making. This initiative will also develop long-term changes by improving access to the work of experts from South America to Asia and the Pacific; from Africa to eastern Europe.

This blog series forms part of our effort to change the narrative, and highlight all that #TheSouthAlsoKnows.

The series aims to share learning and insights from research, innovations and projects developed and implemented by Southern experts and tackling issues in the South, highlighting their relevance for improving quality and equity in education in Southern countries and globally. We also invite blogs discussing issues of global knowledge equity ,and sharing learning from efforts to amplify and promote expertise from and on the Global South, including at the interstices between education research, policy and practice.

Call for contributions

NORRAG welcomes contributions from a wide range of experts, including those from education policy, practice and research. In particular, we welcome contributions from experts from the Global South whose perspectives may be underrepresented. Contributions may respond to to one of our Thematic Priorities and share:

  • Learning and insights from research, innovations and projects developed and implemented by Southern experts and tackling issues in the South.
  • Insights and research about global knowledge inequities, in and across education research, policy and/or practice.
  • Learning from efforts to strengthen knowledge equity, and amplify and promote expertise from and on the Global South.
  • Learning from efforts to support and strengthen the use of Southern research and expertise in education policy and practice.

To contribute to the series, please contact Maren Elfert at

Find below the most recent posts in the #TheSouthAlsoKnows Blog Series

Who do you cite?

Cora L. Xu
25 Mar 2022
In this NORRAG Highlights published in connection with the launch of NORRAG’s initiative #TheSouthAlsoKnows, Cora L. Xu, Assistant Professor at Durham University, UK, raises the...
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