IFE Working Papers

IFE Working Papers

While some research and debate around innovative approaches to increasing financing for the education sector has existed since 2010, until recently most innovative mechanisms within the education sector have remained in the conceptual or pilot phase. The IFE Working Papers provide results of research projects on this topic that examine the conceptualisation and implementation of various innovative financing approaches within the education sector.

Innovative financing for education: A systematic literature review (Working Paper #11)

The NORRAG team conducted a comprehensive literature review of both grey and academic literature on IFE, which included over 150 individual articles. The publication includes an analysis of the types of mechanisms that have been researched, disciplinary approaches, definitions, rationales, along with a discussion on the identified benefits and challenges. A typology and description of the most prevalent innovative financing mechanisms discussed in education will also be published.



Results-based Financing in Education for Sub-national Government and School Administrators: A Conceptual Framework and Practical Recommendations (Working Paper #12)

The study contributes to the global evidence base on Results-based Financing (RBF) and provides lessons on the use of RBF in the meso-level of the education sector, as well as recommendations for strengthening the link between results and funding. Ultimately, it is part of NORRAG’s effort to build empirical evidence on what works and what does not work in using innovative financing for improving equitable and inclusive quality education. The research report is accompanied by a Practitioners’ Guide that provides practical recommendations and advice on implementing the findings of the full research report into practice.

Please contact us:

  1. If you would like to develop workshops or talks for education and finance professionals on innovative financing for education using IFE project material.
  2. If you would like to develop additional case studies on an innovative financing project or partner with NORRAG on additional research on the topic.
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