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23 Sep 2019

RECI Study: The education - training - work and employment Continuum in Swiss development cooperation

RECI, the Swiss Network for Education and International Cooperation, recently published a Study: The education – training – work and employment Continuum in Swiss development cooperation. The study, written by NORRAG’s Senior Adviser Michel Carton and Aude Mellet, examines the question of how NGOs implement the continuum perspective in their international cooperation programmes.

Five case studies are analysed to generate evidence around the importance of the continuum perspective in the field of education. The aim of this study is to identify discontinuities in the course of young peoples’ education and to develop measures to bridge them.

This study is not representative but aims to inspire further debates, stimulate the dialogue between actors from different educational sectors and contribute to reinforcing the notion of education as a continuum.

On 4 June, the continuum was discussed at a workshop organised by RECI, Michel Carton presented the study and participated in discussions around the topic with a panel of Swiss NGOs representatives.

The Education – Training – Work and Employment Continuum: Final report
continuum-final_report.pdf   (PDF, 678.31 Ko) (archived)

The Education – Training – Work and Employment Continuum: Summary Report
continuum-summary_report.pdf   (PDF, 233.44 Ko) (archived)

Workshop on the Continuum
continuum_atelier_4_juin_2019.pdf   (PDF, 270 Ko) (archive)

carton-presentation_e_t_we_continuum.pptx   (PPTX, 4.05 Mo) (archive)


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