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14 Dec 2022

NORRAG at CIES 2023: "Improving Education for a More Equitable World" - NORRAG Panels

The NORRAG team will participate in the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) Annual Conference on 14-22 February 2023, both online and in-person in Washington D.C., USA. This year’s CIES Conference theme is “Improving Education for a More Equitable World”, which speaks to NORRAG’s mission and key principles. During the conference, we will highlight knowledge equity through our #TheSouthAlsoKnows initiative. NORRAG representatives will also speak at ten panels across four NORRAG themes, and will organise its traditional CIES reception on 21 February.

As a NORRAG Member or affiliate, your panel or paper could be promoted in NORRAG’s list of Highlighted Sessions. If you would like to be included, please send an email to with the subject: “CIES”.

NORRAG Reception:

NORRAG will organise its traditional reception on 21 February from 21:00 – 23:00 (EST/Washington D.C.) in Room “Declaration B” on the Declaration floor.

THEME: Data and Evidence

Pre-conference Workshop: Applying implementation research in education

Date and time: Saturday, 18 February 2023, 13:30 to 16:30 (EST/Washington DC)
Location: Grand Hyatt Washington, Floor: Declaration Level (1B), Penn Quarter A

Summary: Although many interventions aiming to improve quality, inclusion, and equity in education have been tested around the world, it is not always clear from the existing research base why they work, for whom they work, and what are the defining contextual circumstances under which they work. Implementation research (IR) is an important tool in researchers’ toolbox to get these answers. While the health sector has used implementation research extensively, it is still less prevalent in education. In this session, BE2 members (FCDO, UNHCR, UNICEF and USAID) and Moira Faul from NORRAG will use a forthcoming BE2 guidance note as a basis for presentations, share recommendations and practice examples on how IR can be used effectively and efficiently in education projects, and provide an opportunity for open discussion about successes and challenges among workshop participants.

Panel: Exploring the Potential of the Comparative Educational Leadership Lab for Inequity-reducing School Leadership Preparation and Practice and Comparative Reflection

Date and time: Sunday, 19 February 2023, 08:00 – 09:30 (EST/Washington D.C)
Location: GRAND HYATT WASHINGTON, Floor: Constitution Level (3B), Wilson

Summary: Through the project we present in this panel, we created several locally-based teaching case studies that centre on school leaders’ experiences, concerns and successes. The case studies are unique and all deal with schooling inequities and leaders’ needs across several contexts: greater Buenos Aires, quasi-urban South Africa, diversifying Switzerland and refugee settings of Kakuma and Kalobeyei.

Panel: The Rise of Knowledge Brokers: The Translation of Research Evidence into Policy and Planning

Part 1
Date and time: Tuesday, 21 February 2023, 14:45 – 16:15 (EST/Washington D.C.)
Location: GRAND HYATT WASHINGTON, Floor: Independence Level (5B), Independence G

Part 2
Date and time: Wednesday, 22 February 2023, 8:00 – 9:30 (EST/Washington D.C.)
Location: GRAND HYATT WASHINGTON, Floor: Constitution Level (3B), Bulfinch 

Summary: This two-part panel gives the floor to knowledge brokers – and experts on knowledge brokerage – from academia, international organisations, and foundations that attempt to bridge research and policy. In line with NORRAG’s mission of acting as a critical knowledge broker that bridges the Global North and the Global South as well as across stakeholder groups (academe, government, civil society and international organisations), experts from diverse types of organisations will present their views, their institutional rationales, and their analysis of moving research into policy.

Panel: The Uptake of Research Evidence in Kyrgyzstan and Moldova Policy and Planning Decisions

Date and time: Tuesday, 21 February 2023, 14:45 – 16:15 (EST/Washington D.C.)
Location: GRAND HYATT WASHINGTON, Floor: Constitution Level (3B), Bulfinch 

Summary: Educational knowledge brokering can serve as a tool for enhancing the uptake of global public goods by enhancing connectivity across education systems, facilitating collaboration and dialogue among diverse stakeholders, and increasing awareness of knowledge supply. This presentation aims to critically examine the role of the Knowledge and Innovation Exchange Hub for Asia, Europe and the Pacific, Middle East and North Africa (KIX EAP) as a knowledge broker using the example of Kyrgyzstan and Moldova.

THEME: Education and the SDGs

Paper Session: Effects of Migration and COVID 19 in the LAC region

Date and time: Mon, 20 February 2023, 16:45 – 18:15 (EST/Washington D.C.)
Location: GRAND HYATT WASHINGTON, Floor: Declaration Level (1B), Tiber Creek A

Summary: Organized by LASIG, this session discusses the effects of migration and COVID-19 in Latin American countries. From different perspectives and methodologies, the session offers a tour of classic and new challenges that hinder the achievement of inclusive and quality education in the region. Among these challenges are migrant populations, educational polarization and the accentuation of social distances during and after the pandemic.

THEME: Innovations and Disruptions

Panel: Digital Education Governance in the Global South: New Actors and Methods in Local Realities

Part 1 – Online
Date and time: Tuesday, 14 February 2023, 19:45 – 21:15 (EST/Washington D.C.) / 01:45 – 03:15 (CET/Geneva)
Location: Online, Zoom Room 113

Part 2 – On-site
Date and time: Sunday, 19 February 2023, 14:45 – 16:15 (EST/Washington D.C.)
Location: GRAND HYATT WASHINGTON, Floor: Independence Level (5B), Independence H

 Summary: This double panel aims to discuss how the growing digitalisation of education is changing the ways in which education is governed, engaging with questions of how decisions are made, whose voices and interests are allowed to be considered valid and which groups are excluded, which rationalities prevail, what structures of power and politics sustain these new models, and how these dynamics play out in local and global contexts.

Panel: Adopting Systems Approaches to Improve Equity in International and Comparative Education

Date and time: Sunday, 19 February 2023, 08:00 – 09:30 (EST/Washington D.C.)
Location: GRAND HYATT WASHINGTON, Floor: Declaration Level (1B), Penn Quarter A 

Summary: Despite decades of investment and initiatives, too many education systems around the world are failing educational and equity objectives. A fundamental change is needed to address this wicked problem whether in classrooms, funding or policy: from a linear view of change to a systems view. In this panel, we highlight theory and practice from a small but growing community who use core tenets, theories and tools of systems thinking towards unlocking equitable and inclusive learning for all.

THEME: Private Sector Approaches

CIES Highlighted Session: Impact Bonds for Education: Does Innovation in Financing Address Equity and Quality Challenges?

Date and time: Sunday, 19 February 2023, 14:45 – 16:15 (EST/Washington D.C.)
Location: GRAND HYATT WASHINGTON, Floor: Declaration Level (1B), Declaration A

Summary: Do impact bonds bring more and better financing for education to reach the most disadvantaged and marginalised groups? This panel 1) frames the research agenda to investigate the implementation of impact bonds against its theory of change, 2) provides a literature review of education impact bonds, 3) presents case studies to examine how their financial structure has facilitated certain service delivery management practices.

Panel: Innovative Financing for Tertiary Education in Sub-Saharan Africa

Date and time: Sunday, 19 February 2023, 16:45 – 18:15 (EST/Washington D.C.)
Location: GRAND HYATT WASHINGTON, Floor: Constitution Level (3B), Cabin John 

Summary: Between 2000 and 2018, access to tertiary education doubled in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). Despite this, it continues to have the lowest regional enrolment rate in the world, at only 9%. This panel presents research and financing initiatives that address the equity challenge in tertiary education in SSA. Learnings from the research presented here help understand how and under what conditions could innovative financing mechanisms tackle the challenge of addressing the financial barrier to access tertiary education for disadvantaged populations.

Panel: The Power of Platforms and the Impact of Technology Philanthropy and other Technology Actors on Educational Development

Date and time: Wednesday, 22 February 2022, 13:30 – 15:00 (EST/Washington D.C.)
Location: GRAND HYATT WASHINGTON, Floor: Independence Level (5B), McPherson Square

Summary: Anyone navigating or analysing education dynamics today must unpack the power and influence of technology corporations, technology philanthropists, and the platforms and products they offer – and potential implications for education governance and systems of public education. This panel addresses points of intersection between the 2021/2 Global Education Monitoring Report on Non-state Actors in Education and the 2023 Global Education Monitoring Report on Technology and Education and calls for safeguards to ensure that policymaking and practice alike are transparent, accountable, and grounded in due diligence.

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