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05 Mar 2021

Just released - NORRAG Podcast Episode 08: "Peak Aid, Catalytic Change and Sustainable Educational Financing"


NORRAG Podcast episode 08 is titled, “Peak Aid, Catalytic Change and Sustainable Educational Financing.” Guest hosts, Alexandra Draxler (NORRAG Senior Advisor) and Keith Lewin (Emeritus Professor of International Development & Education at the University of Sussex), discuss the fact that external aid for educational development is reaching its peak and could never be large enough to close all the financing gaps that lie behind the crisis in learning. What are the implications for future external assistance that is catalytic—gap-filling, strategically focused on greater efficiency, effectiveness and affordability, and designed to lead to sustainable development financed largely from domestic revenue?

This recording follows Dr. Lewin’s presentation to the World Bank’s Global Practices Group and draws upon arguments from his recently published article, “Beyond business as usual: Aid and financing education in Sub Saharan Africa.”

Listen to the episode on SoundCloud:

Watch the video of the recording:

About the interviewee: Keith Lewin is the Emeritus Professor of International Development and Education at the University of Sussex. He has coordinated numerous multi-country research projects on educational planning and finance. He was director of the UK DFID-funded Research Centre on Educational Access and Equity and also Research Advisor to the Government of India’s RMSA program. His publications include more than 200 journal articles, technical reports and books. He was the founding Director of the Sussex international master’s program, a fellow of the UK Academy of Social Sciences and chair of UKFIET until 2020. Professor Lewin is a NORRAG member who recently co-led the discussion during the launch event for NORRAG Special Issue 05, “Domestic Financing: Tax and Education,” in November 2020. 

About the NORRAG Podcast: The NORRAG Podcast began in 2019 and features interviews with international experts on global developments in education policies and practice. Click here to subscribe.

مدونة صوتية مميزة: مساعدات الذروة، التغيير المحفّز، والتمويل التعليمي المستدام

تقدم مضيفة الحلقة 08 من مدونة نوراغ الصوتية ،ألكساندرا دراكسلر، في مقابلة مع كيث لوين حول حقيقة أن المساعدات الخارجية لتطوير التعليم وصلت إلى ذروتها. ماذا يعني هذا للدول المانحة والدول المستقبلة والأوقات الحالية المضطربة التي نعيشها؟ يتبع هذا التسجيل العرض الذي قدمه الدكتور لوين إلى مجموعة الممارسات العالمية في البنك الدولي ويستند إلى الحجج الواردة في مقاله المنشور مؤخرًا. استمع إلى المدونة الصوتية I قراءة مقالة بروفيسور ليوينز I مشاهدة فيديو المدونة الصوتية

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