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17 Oct 2023

ILO - Youth Employment Research Forum

Interested in influencing future youth employment policies?


The International Labour Organization, in collaboration with the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and INCLUDE Knowledge Platform, invites researchers from around the world to submit their papers for the Youth Employment Research Forum.

🗓️ Event Date: 5-6 December 2023

🌍 Location: Geneva, Switzerland

The forum will delve into “The Dynamics of Youth Employment and its Supporting Policy Framework,” aligning with the upcoming 20th-anniversary edition of the ILO Global Employment Trends for Youth 2024.

Why join?

This forum aims to foster a global dialogue on the future of youth employment. It seeks to understand the changing socioeconomic landscapes, future-of-work influences, and evolving youth employment policies. Your research can help drive critical change!

Three research tracks are available:

  1. Socioeconomic Landscapes of Youth Employment
  2. Future of Work Influences on Youth Labour Market Transitions
  3. Changing Youth Employment Policy Landscape

Fees and Fellowships:

Participation is free of charge! Travel costs should be covered by participants, but fellowships are available for selected papers from developing or emerging countries.

How to apply:

Submit a 2-3-page proposal to by 20 October 2023.

Paper can be national, cross country, regional or global in scope.

It should include:

– Full title

– Author(s) name, address, phone and email

– Relevant track

– Summary

–  Your interest in a Fellowship grant.

Please read full guidelines for submission on our dedicated page.


A Committee of Experts, consisting of prominent youth employment experts and researchers from the ILO and IDRC will evaluate submitted proposals on the basis of their originality, quality, and policy relevance.

The Authors of the selected proposals will be contacted no later than 3 November 2023.

For inquiries, contact

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