Ban Ki-moon, Post-2015 and Education. Can you fix it? Yes we can!

Ban the Builder: Can you fix it?… yes we can!
The long expected MDG/post-2015 report of the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, to the UN General Assembly (UNGA) has now been released. A life of dignity for all: accelerating progress towards the Millennium Development Goals and advancing the United Nations development agenda beyond 2015 will be a main input to the Special event to follow up on efforts on MDGs on 25th September 2013.
Below we highlight the education and skills components of this report:
Education is a human right…
‘No person should go hungry, lack shelter or clean water and sanitation, face social and economic exclusion or live without access to basic health services and education. These are human rights, and form the foundations for a decent life.’ (p.3)
We risk not achieving UPE… and conflict and poverty remain key reasons for children and adolescents being out of school…
‘We risk failing to keep our promise to enable all children to go to school. The number of children out of primary school declined from 102 million to 57 million between 2000 and 2011. But progress has slowed significantly over the past five years. Without renewed efforts, the target of universal primary education by 2015 seems beyond reach, particularly in conflict-affected countries. Half the world’s out-of-school children live in sub-Saharan Africa, with the gap largest for children and adolescents from the poorest households.’ (p.5)
More focus is needed on quality and lifelong learning…
‘Much stronger efforts are needed to improve the quality of education and provide lifelong learning opportunities, especially for girls and women, those belonging to ethnic minorities, persons with disabilities and children living in conflict-affected areas, rural areas or urban slums.’ (p.5)
Gender equality in education has not been achieved…
‘…challenges to achieving gender equality and women’s rights remain significant. In many developing countries, girls are denied their right to primary education.’ (p.5)
· We need to go beyond UPE, and beyond formal education to include skills training…
‘Provide quality education and lifelong learning. Young people should be able to receive high-quality education and learning, from early childhood development to post-primary schooling, including not only formal schooling but also life skills and vocational education and training.’ (p.14)
· Education and skills are flagged as relevant to the growth and employment agenda…
‘Promote inclusive and sustainable growth and decent employment. This can be achieved by economic diversification, financial inclusion, efficient infrastructure, productivity gains, trade, sustainable energy, relevant education and skills training…’ (p.14, italics added)
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