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06 Sep 2021

13 September 2021: IJED debate - Aid Futures, Agencies, Architectures and Modalities beyond 2021

The International Journal of Educational Development (IJED) will hold a webinar on the issue of the future of aid to education, global educational architecture, and the modalities needed to accelerate educational development.  The event will take place on 13 September 2021 at 17:30 Geneva time, 16.30 (BST), 11.30 (EST). 

Three papers (Burnett (2019), Lewin (2020) and Beharry (2021))  provide the starting point for the panel discussion between five experts in educational development, that will identify the key issues, reflect on recent developments and profile opportunities for the future.

  • Chair: Stephen P Heyneman, Vanderbilt University and Editor-in-Chief of IJED, and contributor to NORRAG Special Issue 05 on Domestic Financing: Tax and Education
  • Keith M Lewin (University of Sussex, former Chair of Trustees UKFIET), and contributor to NORRAG Podcast and NORRAG Special Issue 05 
  • Nick Burnett (RTI) former Director of the Global Education Monitoring Report, member of NORRAG’s Consultative Committee 
  • Karen Mundy (University of Toronto and former Chief Technical Advisor to the GPE, incoming Director of IIEP-UNESCO)
  • Moses Oketch (Institute of Education UCL and advisor to FCDO), and co-editor of NSI 06: States of emergency: Education in times of COVID-19
  • Sally Gear (Head of Profession, Foreign and Commonwealth Development Office)

The event will consist of a panel discussion with five experts in educational development, which will be kicked off by a discussion on three papers regarding these topics as well as reflecting on recent developments and brainstorming ideas for the future, including one written by Nick Burnett, member of the NORRAG Consultative Committee and Senior Fellow for Results for Development in Washington DC. After an introduction by Steve Heyneman, Keith Lewin and Nick Burnett, authors will summarise the arguments in their papers and update their reaction to events since they were published. The other three panellists will then be asked to respond to the issues raised by diagnosis of the problems with the current architecture of aid and reflect on whether current strategies to accelerate development are likely to be successful.


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