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01 Sep 2021

NSI 05 authors speak at UKFIET panel on financing education

Authors of NORRAG Special Issue 05 – Domestic Financing: Tax and Education, published in November 2020, will participate in a panel chaired by NSI 05 guest editor David Archer of ActionAid UK. The session will take place on 16 September 2021 at 12:30 BST at the UKFIET 2021 Conference “Building Back Better in Education and Training? Reimagining, Reorienting and Redistributing”.

The event, chaired by David Archer, will feature the following presenters:

  • Professor Joel Samoff (Stanford University) will make the case that foreign aid entrenches dependence and indeed, poverty. Despite this, African countries continue to seek foreign aid as a solution to education challenges rather than looking domestically.
  • Dr Maria Ron Balsera (ActionAid, UK) will share the latest insights from ActionAid research and advocacy around the world, bringing in diverse experiences and voices. Dr Balsera is the author of “Why a Progressive Tax Reform is Essential to Reach SDG4 in Pakistan?” iIn NSI 05.
  • Professor Steve Klees, will talk about the role of the international community in financing education and the need for it to fix unfair rules around tax and to establish new forms of global taxation. Professor Klees is the author of “Global Taxation is Needed to Finance Education and the Other SDGs” in NSI 05.
  • Professor Keith Lewin will be responding to the contributions above. He is the author of “Taxing Matters: Fiscal Reform, Public Goods and Aid” in NSI 05.

NORRAG invites its members present at UKFIET 2021 to attend and spread the word about the session. NSI 05 is currently being translated into Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish.

More information:

NORRAG Special Issue 05: Domestic Financing: Tax and Education

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