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19 Mar 2024

New Online Seminar Series - Education Policy and Research in International Perspective

A new seminar series on education will be launching soon: Education Policy and Research in International Perspective.

This series is going to be hosted by the Education Research and Policy Hub at the London School of Economics (LSE). Their intention is to bring together scholars from across the world who are working in the fields of education policy and education research.

The series is aimed particularly at colleagues who have an interest in discussing education policy and research through a comparative and international lens. They will be welcoming contributions from a wide range of disciplines and methodological traditions.

Seminars will run fortnightly during academic term-time. They will be held online to enable interested scholars from across the world to attend. The seminars will also be recorded wherever possible so that they are accessible for anyone who is unable to make the allotted time.

To join their mailing list and hear about upcoming seminars, guest speakers and more, you can fill in the following Google form.

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