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31 Mar 2022

New Issue Release: Journal on Education in Emergencies

Published on 17 March 2022, the latest version of the Journal on Education in Emergencies (JEiE) offers a review of a broad range of dilemmas facing the field of education in emergencies (EiE) and provides actionable data along with insights for improving wellbeing and learning outcomes among children in conflict and crisis settings. How do we address the effects of conflict and crisis on education and assess the effects of children’s mental health and wellbeing on learning? Authors interrogate these questions and more in latest version of the JEiE, openly accessibly here.

JEiE 8.1

JEiE Volume 8, Number 1 offers a review of a broad range of dilemmas facing the field of EiE. This issue includes seven research articles, two field notes, a commentary, and two book reviews. It offers cutting-edge research and field work conducted by teams comprised of practitioners, researchers, and policymakers who live and work among diverse populations in an array of geographic settings, including the Middle East, South America, South Asia, and sub-Saharan Africa. Several articles in this issue are global in scope, commenting in particular on EiE practice and on refining frameworks for understanding our work in conflict and crisis settings, while other articles encourage using lessons learned from the implementation of EiE programs or policies in one setting and applying them in other EiE contexts.

About JEiE

JEiE is a double-anonymous peer-reviewed academic journal published by the Inter-agency Network for Education in Emergencies and housed at New York University. All JEiE publications are available, for free, online here. Join in the conversation about EiE by tweeting @JournalonEiE and using the hashtags #JEiE and #EducationInEmergencies. Learn more

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