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30 Nov 2021

Collaborative Program with AREB/INSS (Burkina Faso)

In 2016, NORRAG has set up a second Collaborative Program in Africa, with the Research Workshop on Education in Burkina Faso (Atelier de Recherche en Éducation au Burkina Faso – AREB) hosted by the National Institute for Social Sciences (INSS) in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

AREB was initiated in 1999 by professors and researchers from the University of Ouagadougou – now University Ouaga 1 Professor Joseph Ki-Zerbo – the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique (CNRST), the French Research Institute for Development (IRD) and other education and training stakeholders. Since then, monthly seminars gathering representatives from ministries, academia and civil society organizations have been discussing research outcomes. AREB is conducting various other activities around the theme of education. A book was published in 2002 following an international conference on the Challenges of Educational Research. Today, thanks to a support by AFD, a new site is in place, the inventory of knowledge on education in Burkina Faso is underway, as well as the production of a book on the evolution of the national education system since 1960 (to be launched at the end of 2017).

Visit the AREB website for more information.

About the collaborative program

The broad objective of this collaboration is

  • To produce resources, in Burkina Faso, about international and regional policies in education and training and their inter-actions with policies at the national level,
  • To relaunch a French version of NORRAG News – La Lettre de NORRAG – with a contextualization of the content,
  • To foster research on Technical and Vocational Skills Development (TVSD) in line with AREB’s objective to strengthen education research in the country  – with the perspective of the Education-Training Continuum,
  • To organize joint events for the education and training community in Burkina Faso and West Africa.

A formal launch event took place on May 16th 2017 in Ouagadougou, during which:

The AREB & NORRAG Note Politique #1: TITRE EN ANGLAIS (French version also available)

and Note Politique #2: “ La place de l’évaluation des apprentissages dans les systèmes éducatifs d’Afrique sub saharienne: le cas du Burkina Faso ”,

were launched (both available on AREB and NORRAG sites).

The program has received strong interest from national stakeholders, and a private Foundation has shown interest in view of extending it possibly to other neibourghing Western African countries, as a “good practice”, in collaboration with AFD and Association pour la Recherche sur l’Education et les Savoirs (ARES)

Planned activities include:

An AREB conference will be held at the end of 2107, during which an AREB-NORRAG panel will be organized on the Burkina Faso based bilateral and multilateral development cooperation agrncies education and training policies and programs. At that occasion, a new Note Politique in relation with this theme will be presented.

During the same conference,

La Lettre de NORRAG 53 (French version of NN53) on “Refugees, Displaced Persons and Education: New Challenges for Development and Policy” with additional contextualized content,

La Lettre de NORRAG 54 (French version of NN54) on “Education, Training and Agenda 2030: What Progress One Year On?” with additional contextualized content, both to be released shortly will be presented.

An evaluation of the Program will be held after the Conference. A continuation of NORRAG’s support will depend on the AREB’s capacity to mobilize some national stakeholders – such as the Ministries of Education/Training – resources to secure a minimum core funding for their sustainability.  

Photo Credits: OUAGA BF. Minor Criminal learn how to do work in the Institute. Ougadougou Burkina Faso. July 2005

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