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15 Jun 2017

“International Education Development Challenges and Agenda 2030”: Key takeaways on Youtube

The nomination of Gita Steiner-Khamsi, Professor of Comparative and International Education at Teachers College, University of Columbia, as new Professor at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies and Director of NORRAG was the occasion to organize an Inaugural Panel Discussion on “International Education Development Challenges and Agenda 2030”. Held on 14th March 2017 at the Maison de la Paix, this event was introduced by the Director of the Graduate Institute, Geneva, Professor Philippe Burrin, followed by a presentation by Professor Gita Steiner-Khamsi. The session continued with an interactive panel discussion with Professor Mario Novelli, Director of the Centre for International Education (CIE), Sussex University and Dr. Nicholas Burnett, Senior Fellow, Results for Development, Washington D.C. and moderated by Dr. Joost Monks, NORRAG’s Executive Director.

Challenges discussed covered a wide range of debates including the transition from MDG’s to SDG’s, education as a means, the changing role of the state, standardization, peace and security, as well as the role of monitoring and evaluation.

Listen to Dr. Nicholas Burnett and Professor Mario Novelli commenting their main takeaways from the discussion:

Listen to Dr. Nicholas Burnett


Listen to Prof. Mario Novelli

Finally, the session pursued a fruitful exchange with the audience ending the panel discussion with some excellent and very thought-provoking questions. You can watch the whole event online on our youtube channel.

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